FedEx Priority Express
Send from only £29.85
Parcel collection from your door

FedEx Priority Express

International Express Parcel Delivery

International delivery service
International Delivery
Your parcel will be collected from your door
Collection Service
Delivery in 1 - 5 days
Delivery in 1 - 5 days
A signature is included with this service
Signature Included
Maximum parcel weight is 68.0kg
Parcels up to 68.0kg
Maximum parcel length is 115.0cm
Maximum length 115.0cm
Secure online  booking
Secure Booking
Tracked  delivery
Tracked Delivery

About FedEx Priority Express

The FedEx International Priority Express service offers fast and reliable worldwide express delivery to many destinations by 12.

Track your FedEx Priority Express parcel

Our FedEx Priority Express service includes tracking from collection to delivery as standard.
Visit our FedEx Express Tracking Page and enter your 12 digit tracking number to track your